Our Basic Philosophy
We protect the Water of our Earth with Mother heart.
We consider how to restore the original beautiful Earth for the following
generations and every being.
We watch over sound water circulations of the Earth with Mother eyes.
We have insight for truth to create the future Earth.
We protect purity of Earth water with Mother hands.
We work for youth education and lifelong education in Water environment,
and for other necessary work on related organizations. |
Every natural being on the Earth is alive by the grace of Water.
The Water environments are, however, now facing at the critical conditions
despite all the warnings and alerts done before. Those who won't keep their
acquiescence to the fact should start acting to keep clean water environments
and we are ones of them. The alerting sign of Mother Gaia, indicating the
danger of heavy metal pollutions such as lead contaminations, should not
be overlooked. It seems we have had a lot of hard problems piled up high.
But Ponel, a tiny boy character who is a dew of water, appears and says
to us: Natural providence is simple. Water is for every being. Water cannot
be exclusive. Water likes sharing. It is very natural and simple.
Can you hear his voice? Even the weakest voice of yours will encourage
us. And even a tiniest hand of yours we will take.
To improve general consciousness for water environments, it is significant
to research information on the latest global water conditions, provide
people with opportunities of learning aquatic conservation, and decrease
their anxieties caused by misunderstandings what is going on. We will know
where to go not from seditious news but facts and figures. Cross-sectional activities among
specialists shall be indispensable. Sensibilities of children open through
water art are sometimes more energetic and catching the voice of nature
than professionals and adults. The way children contact with nature is
simple and dynamic. That's why we take a couple of ways: one is with specialists
and empirical, the other is with children and artistic.
The 6th World Water Forum in France
March 15, 2012, Marseille
The latest arctic and antarctic environment data at the point were presented
at our presentation for the side event of the 6th WWF, suggesting the concept
PONEL: Piece-ful Organic Nature and Ecological League for every being.
The 6th WWF gathered more thatn 35,000 participants in Marseille, including
15 heads of State, of governments and European Commissioners, 145 represented
countries, 112 Ministers, Vice-Ministers and Secretaries of States, 176
national delegations and international organisations taking part in the
Ministerial Declaration, more than 750 elected officials among which 250
mayors and 250 parliamentarians, more than 500 sponsorised persons, 3,500
NGOs and civil society representatives, and more than 2,600 children and

The 5th World Water Forum in Turkey
March 19, 2009, Istanbul
Our presentation, as only one Japanese group for the speakers corner, included
the voices of thousands of people claiming clear water environments as
well as beautiful water scenary photos of all around Japan.
33,058 participants from 192 countries took part in the 5th WWF, including
9 Heads of States/Governments and princes, 85 Ministers, 14 high level
representatives from Intergovernmental Organizations, 250 parliamentarians
and 200 local authorities including 59 Mayors, 135 children from 21 countries
who gathered for the 3rd Children's WWF, and more than 200 young people
attending the Youth Forum.

34th G8 Toyako Summit in Japan
July 7-9, 2008, Hokkaido
Several Ponel Exhibitions were held at and around Toyako area as one of
the Summit participant groups and thousands of signitures claiming clear
water environments were delivered to then prime minister.

Since March 2008, NGO Feminine Conference on Water has worked for keeping
clean and safety water environments for next generations. We have held
more than 450 events including free workshops of water environmental education,
water quality surveys, and exhibitions called “PONEL-ten” all over Japan
as well as several countries. Water surveys have been done in around 40
countries as well as arctic and antarctic.
Children like the water dew character “Ponel” and soon make friends with
him to learn everything about water through him. After the exhibition at
the United Nations University, another PONEL-ten was held at Narita Airport,
and children water goodwill ambassadors sent to Istanbul had Children Water
Symposium there.

Since 2008
NGO Feminine Conference on Water
Head: Hokkaido Branches: Tohoku, Kanto, Chubu, Chugoku, Kyushu, Okinawa
Address: FCW, President Bldg. 8F, Minami1-Nishi5, Chuoku, Sapporo, Hokkaido
060-0061 JAPAN.
All rights reserved. 2014(c)FCW